Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Fourth Wave: Digital Health Update ⋅ Paul Sonnier ⋅ Feb 12, 2018 ⋅ #313

I made this announcement to 61,158 members of the Digital Health group on LinkedIn. If you’re on LinkedIn, please do join the group, which allows you to opt in to receiving these announcements in addition to connecting with thousands of other global stakeholders in digital health. I also send out my Digital Health Newsletter, which you can sign up for and receive for free, here.

The Fourth Wave: Digital Health Update ⋅ Paul Sonnier ⋅ Feb 12, 2018 ⋅ #313

Dear Group,

My latest “The Fourth Wave: Digital Health Newsletter” features interesting news including:
– A new organization aims to address technology’s impact on health
– A DTC blockchain/cryptocurrency/genome sequencing company
– An implantable neural stimulation device to improve memory
– Disney theme park interactive robots (from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2)
– Gene-doping testing for Olympic athletes
– A newborn genetic test for 193 diseases
– FBI monitoring social media (raising concerns over government spying, dissent suppression, and censorship)
– China’s wearable device maker Huami completes an IPO on the NY Stock Exchange
– An Apple Watch-based AI system can identify diabetics without using a blood test
– The FDA approves a smartwatch designed to help people living with epilepsy

Read all of the above and more, here: The Fourth Wave: Digital Health Newsletter for Feb 11
Subscribe for free, here.

My book, “The Fourth Wave: Digital Health” is available in digital and paperback at Amazon.com, here. You can also learn more about the book, here.

Follow me on Twitter @Paul_Sonnier for all the news I share each day.

I’m available to deliver my keynote address at conferences and corporate events. I also offer event and entity advertising in my group announcements, newsletter, and on my website. Advertising with me puts your event, content, product, and/or service in front of tens of thousands of global readers each week. I’m also available for strategic consulting. Contact me for my media kit, standard plans, and pricing.

The Fourth Wave: Digital Health Newsletter for Feb 11

Addressing a critical digital health issue, a group of Silicon Valley technologists— who are alarmed by the ill effects of social networks and smartphones on humans—have formed the Center for Humane Technology.

Along with Common Sense Media, the two groups are planning a $7 million “The Truth About Tech” ad campaign targeting over 50,000 public schools in the United States. The objective is to educate students, parents, and teachers regarding dangers associated with the use of technology, which can include addiction and depression. Another tool being planned is a website for engineers and developers called the “Ledger of Harms”, which will include data on the health effects of different technologies and ways that can products can potentially be made healthier for end users.

The groups also plan to lobby for new laws to address the power of technology companies and funding for research into the impact that technology has on children. Here’s my tweet mentioning the organization and the founders’ Twitter handles. A Digital Health LinkedIn group discussion is located here.

A new startup named Nebula Genomics has been founded by Harvard genomics professor George Church. The company will sell consumers a $1,000 sequence of their genome, provide related genetic insights, secure the data via blockhain technology, and enable users to own and share their data with third parties in exchange for cryptocurrency. Nebula’s business model differs from that of companies like 23andMe, Helix, and Ancestry.com, which sell consumers’ genetic data to pharma and biotech companies without giving their consumer customers a cut of the profit.


Researchers at the Instituto Italiano di Tecnologia in Italy have developed edible electronics that can be tattooed onto pharmaceutical pills and fruit and used for bio- and health-monitoring applications. The organic circuits reside in transferrable tattoos made of a ethyl cellulose polymer film.

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have developed an implantable neural stimulation brain pacemaker and monitoring system that could be used to boost cognition, for example helping people to remember things that they might otherwise forget. A smal electric shock would make neurons “pay attention”, thereby increasing the likelihood of memory recall.

Apple has patented a weight-reducing catadioptric optical system for use in wearable AR and VR devices. Catadioptric systems are common in search lights, headlamps, early lighthouse focusing systems, optical telescopes, microscopes, and telephoto lenses.

new patented approach developed by Monkey Media will help people to navigate VR without getting motion sickness. The company’s BodyNav system senses your body movements (with existing sensors already in VR headsets) to move you in different directions in VR environments. This helps reduce the need to use game controllers for navigation, which can lead to cognitive overload resulting from trying to do too much on the controller.

Disney has begun populating its parks with interactive, personality-driven Vyloos robots that were introduced in director James Gunn’s movie Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. When interacting with the robots at Disney parks, guests will experience “convincing interchanges of emotion and communication.” More info on the Vyloos can be found here.


Researchers at the University of South Carolina and China’s Zhejiang University have created an automated age-range detection tool in smarphones. While many activity-monitoring apps designed to control what kids do on phones already exist, they must be turned on manually by parents plus can be disabled by kids with the knowhow to do so. The new automated age-range detection would detect when kids are using phones in various ways, including that they “often touch a smaller area on the screen, make shorter swipes, tend to swipe their fingers more sluggishly across the screen, and they are slower to switch from swiping to tapping.”

The United States FBI is reportedly forming a task force to monitor social media platforms in an effort intended to “counter foreign influence and disinformation.” However, journalist Chip Gibbons warn that, due to the historic “insidious tendencies” of the FBI, this new initiative raises “serious concerns about free speech” and the we “should be wary of any attempts to expand the FBI’s capabilities to spy on dissent. Social media should be safeguarded from censorship—both public and private—the same way traditional media should be safeguarded. Of all the possible bodies to be given the power to delegitimize online speech, the FBI may very well be the worst.”


China-based wearable device makerHuami has completed an IPO on the NY Stock Exchange with the ticker symbol HMI. Company CEO Huang Wang indicated that “the company’s vision is to lead the trend of global wearable devices and the changing perception of healthy lifestyle” and that the money will be used to develop many more types of wearable devices. The company reportedly shipped 11.6 million smart wearable devices in the first nine months of 2017, which Frost & Sullivan states is more than any other company in the world.

According to a new report, Cardiogram’s DeepHeart AI system was able to spot diabetics 85% of the time by looking at data gahtered from the Apple Watch and without measuring blood sugar. According to principal investigator Mark Pletcher: “Diabetes is very clearly a cardiovascular condition, but it’s not one with an obvious physiological connection to heart rate variability.” However, nerve damage related to diabetes can cause irregular heart rates that can be measured with electricity or light.


The FDA has cleared electroCore’s handheld gammaCore electrical, noninvasive vagus nerve stimulator for use in treating migraine pain in adults. The new 510(k) clearance adds to the device’s existing label for treating episodic cluster headache pain.

The FDA has cleared Empatica’s Embrace smartwatch, which is designed to help people living with epilepsy. The system uses AI to monitor for the most dangerous kinds of seizures, known as “grand mal” or “generalized tonic-clonic” seizures and, if detected, sends an alert to summon help from caregivers.


A new $649 DNA test by Sema4 will look for 193 diseases in a healthy newborn’s genetic code. The test—which is supplemental to existing genetic screening tests that look for at least 34 disorders—searches for diseases like anemia, epilepsy, and metabolic disorders. According to company CEO Eric Schadt: “If you can, at birth, canvas some of the most common disorders, you get a better understanding of the health of your child. We think parents want the best for their children and are going to do whatever they can so that their child can have the healthiest life possible.”

The World Anti-Doping Agency may soon require Olympic athletes to submit their genetic code so that it can be tested for gene-doping. The specific type of gene editing they are looking for entails editing the body’s biological gene expression machinery to make it stronger, faster, or able to recover more quickly. An eight-year statute of limitations is being considered so that re-testing can be done as needed.

During a recent body hacking conference in Texas, biohacker Aaron Traywick injected himself with a DIY herpes treatment. According to Traywic: “If we succeed with herpes in even the most minor ways, we can move forward immediately with cancer.” In response to the news, Antonio Regalado tweeted: “Nice story. DIY bio should heretofore be assigned to the “media and marketing” desk not the science desk.”

—————————————- END OF NEWSLETTER —————————————-


XPOMET Convention 2018
March 21-23 in Leipzig, Germany
The Convention for Innovation and High-Tech in Medicine

Digital Health World Congress 2018
May 8-9 in London, UK
The leading technology digital healthcare conference in London, UK and Europe.


Please contact me for options on event promotion, including having your event featured at the top of this list, featured in my weekly Digital Health group announcements, newsletter, and on Twitter.

Please provide the event name, date(s), event website link (direct and not a shortened url), one-paragraph event description, the venue name, and location (city and country). Not all events are relevant to digital health and webinars are typically not allowed, but you can ask me about promotion options.

Copyright © 2018 Paul Sonnier, Story of Digital Health

Paul Sonnier
Author ⋅ Speaker ⋅ Technologist ⋅ Social Entrepreneur
Book: The Fourth Wave: Digital Health
Founder, Digital Health group on LinkedIn
Creator, Story of Digital Health
Twitter: @Paul_Sonnier
San Diego, CA, USA


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from Paul Sonnier – Story of Digital Health https://storyofdigitalhealth.com/fourth-wave-digital-health-update-paul-sonnier-feb-12-2018-313/

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