Thursday, July 5, 2018

The Fourth Wave: Digital Health Update ⋅ Paul Sonnier ⋅ July 4, 2018 ⋅ #333

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The Fourth Wave: Digital Health Update ⋅ Paul Sonnier ⋅ July 4, 2018 ⋅ #333

Announcement to 63,696 Digital Health Group Members

Dear Group,

My latest newsletter for July 4 is out. Topics include a review in High Times magazine of apps that help people find the right strains and compositions of marijuana and cannabis products used for both therapeutic and recreational purposes. The first app is Strainprint, whose CEO, Andrew Muroff, I had the pleasure of meeting in Toronto earlier this year at Brightworks’ innovation day conference. Also featured is Releaf.

This week also saw some noteworthy new funding deals, M&A, and a new spin-off company by San Diego-based Synthetic Genomics, Inc. named SGI-DNA coming to life.

Read the newsletter below or here (with images).
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Please contact me for options on event promotion, including having your event featured at the top of this list, featured in my weekly Digital Health group announcements, newsletter, and on Twitter.

Please provide the event name, date(s), event website link (direct and not a shortened url), one-paragraph event description, the venue name, and location (city and country). Not all events are relevant to digital health and webinars are typically not allowed, but you can ask me about promotion options.

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The Fourth Wave: Digital Health Newsletter for Jul 4

High Times magazine reviewed two apps aimed at helping people find the right strains and compositions of marijuana and cannabis products used for both therapeutic and recreational purposes. The first app is Strainprint, whose CEO, Andrew Muroff, I had the pleasure of meeting in Toronto earlier this year at Brightworks’ innovation day conference.

As Susie Ochs writes, Strainprint’s free app for iOS and Android “lets you enter details about your weed product: flowers, cartridges, concentrates, edibles, whatever. You also create a list of your conditions or symptoms that you use marijuana to treat. Then when you start a session, you’re asked which of those is the reason you’re blazing up—don’t worry, “recreation” is on the list, too.”

The second app reviewed by Ochs is Releaf, which is also free on iOS and Android.

Susie states that Releaf “works in much the same way—you tell it about your strains and preferred consumption methods and track your sessions and how different strains affect your symptoms. The biggest differences are the amount of detail you can enter about each strain, and how sessions are tracked in real time.”

Speaking of marijuana and cannabis, ZDoggMD posted a newvideo on Facebook entitled “Let’s cut through the haze (and the hype) surrounding medical marijuana. Here’s what you need to know.”


Quincy, a koala at the San Diego Zoo who has type 1 diabetes, was outfitted with a wearable Dexcom G6 Continuous Glucose Monitoring System. Zoo veterinarians, endocrinologists from Scripps Health, and biotechnology professionals from Dexcom intend to use the system to better manage Quincy’s blood sugar levels.

According to veterinarian Cora Singleton: “Very few koalas have been diagnosed with and treated for diabetes. Quincy currently requires insulin injections, which are based on his blood sugar level. With a continuous glucose monitor, we may be able to monitor Quincy’s glucose levels throughout the day without having to disturb him.

YouTube video of Quincy


A new ‘ambient audio’ patent application by Facebook would let the company direct people’s smartphones to record audio whenever microphones detect inaudible messages integrated within TV ads and other audio content.


New Orleans-based RDNote has received a $250,000 investment from the Lafayette General Foundation’s Healthcare Innovation Fund. The startup assimilates clinical nutrition best practices within the healthcare industry via digital tools designed to improve patient care.

Boston-based American Well has raisednearly $300M, possibly more, to expand its telehealth service.


Amazon has purchased online pharmacy service PillPack for nearly $1B. The startup enables customers to purchase medications in presorted doses.


San Diego-based Synthetic Genomics, Inc. has announced the spin-off of a new company named SGI-DNA. According to SGI-DNA’s website, the company “provides a variety of synthetic genomic solutions to advance your research. Our comprehensive suite of genomic services will allow you to discover, design, and build the sequences you need. We are committed to reducing barriers associated with DNA synthesis and sequence analysis by leveraging the technology developed at the J. Craig Venter Institute and Synthetic Genomics, Inc.”

NHS patients in England will soon haveaccess to DNA tests on an “unprecedented scale” when the national healthcare system will reportedly become the first health service in the world to offer genomic medicine on a routine basis. Beginning in Oct, “hospitals across England will be connected to specialist centres that read, analyse and interpret patient DNA to help diagnose rare diseases, match patients to the most effective treatments, and reduce adverse drug reactions.”

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None at this time.

Please contact me for options on event promotion, including having your event featured at the top of this list, featured in my weekly Digital Health group announcements, newsletter, and on Twitter.

Please provide the event name, date(s), event website link (direct and not a shortened url), one-paragraph event description, the venue name, and location (city and country). Not all events are relevant to digital health and webinars are typically not allowed, but you can ask me about promotion options.

Copyright © 2018 Paul Sonnier, Story of Digital Health

Paul Sonnier
Author ⋅ Speaker ⋅ Technologist ⋅ Social Entrepreneur
Book: The Fourth Wave: Digital Health
Founder, Digital Health group on LinkedIn
Creator, Story of Digital Health
Twitter: @Paul_Sonnier
San Diego, CA, USA

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from Paul Sonnier – Story of Digital Health

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