Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Digital Health Update by Paul Sonnier—June 30, 2016—#228

I will be sending this announcement to 47,000+ Digital Health LinkedIn group members. If you’re on LinkedIn, please do join the group, which allows you to opt in to receiving these announcements in addition to connecting with thousands of other global stakeholders in digital health. Note that I will continue to update this announcement up until sending out the final version via LinkedIn.

The Digital Health Update by Paul Sonnier — June 30, 2016 — #228

Dear Group,

To reduce duplication of effort, I’m no longer going to be collecting and categorizing all the relevant news stories that I come across each week and inserting into my companion website post of my announcements. However, in addition to my commentary below, you can still see all the noteworthy news that I’ve identified and shared during the week by following me on Twitter and viewing my tweet-stream @Paul_Sonnier

With #Brexit dominating the news it’s worth noting that the ensuing market volatility and uncertainty adds new challenges for digital health startups. Not to mention that labor flows would be impacted. For big US tech companies like Google, which the EU recently hit with a second antitrust charge related to its Internet search practices—plus has a looming spectre of a 3 billion Euro fine on the mobile side—this could allow them to operate much more freely in the UK. Moreover, as Stewart Brand, President of The Long Now Foundation tweeted, “The EU distrusts and represses biotech and Web tech. England is now free of that. (Scotland, maybe not.)”

Also, we may potentially see an FDA-xit, as six former FDA commissioners have called on Congress to make the agency independent. This would not only raise the FDA’s profile but, like Brexit and the UK, would bring the agency much greater autonomy since it would no longer be part of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). (ht to Dan Diamond).

We’ve all seen the hyperbolic titles for articles on digital health, typically an equal mix of positive and negative, as media outlets and new, plus establishment players try to assert their authority on the subject and attract attention. When Shawn DuBravac, Chief Economist at the Consumer Technology Association (organizer of CES in Las Vegas) wrote a TechCrunch piece titled “Can the smartphone cure Zika?” I was skeptical, thinking the link would be tenuous at best. As it turns out, though, this is a credible claim. Shawn discussed OpenZika, one of the research projects being run on IBM’s World Community Grid, a tech platform that turns a network of volunteers’ personal computers, smartphones, and tablets, into a virtual supercomputer. Volunteers using the app authorize researchers to run calculations on their devices and, in the case of #OpenZika, run virtual experiments on compounds that could become components in a drug to combat the Zika virus. When I checked on Saturday, there were over 300,000 tasks returned on that day alone.

Last week I shared an article about a phony app that purportedly enlisted the support of volunteers sitting at their computers to rescue refugees. While that fake app was pulled from the App Store, it’s nice to see this week that there are legitimate, innovative digital health solutions helping refugees. One example is MeshPoint’s 3D-printed WiFi solution for refugees, which has just won a humanitarian tech award. And another app that raised red flags in my mind also turns out to be legitimate. The TraffickCam app is designed to combat human trafficking. TraffickCam was developed by the Exchange Initiative, an organization fighting back against sex trafficking. The app allows smartphone users to upload photos of hotel rooms when they travel. The pics are entered into a national database that law enforcement uses to match images posted by sex traffickers to locations. It can also help locate victims and perpetrators.

On a less serious note, we’ve all been there: In the movie theater, at a musical concert or play with live actors, and someone’s phone starts ringing or they receive an alert, or perhaps they turn on the phone and the bright screen distracts you from the event you paid to see. Yondr bag/device silences/locks your phone at a concert, etc

On the digital health enablement front, a new vibrating cap by Samsung alerts blind swimmers when to turn in the pool. The system relies on Bluetooth and a smartwatch. And Johns Hopkins University grad students have designed footwear that lets amputees get control video games with their feet. Based on sensor input, circuitry translates foot movements into various game commands. The system, which the students have dubbed GEAR, ‘Game Enhancing Augmented Reality’, won the grand prize at the 2016 Intell-Cornell Cup.

My ecosystem partner, Validic has a new, free eBook you can download today (as I just did!): “Exploring Digital Health Technologies: The Devices & Data Being Used in Trials Today

Parks Associates Connected Health Summit: Engaging Consumers takes place Aug 30 – Sep 1 in San Diego, CA, USA at the Omni Hotel

CNS Summit 2016 takes place October 27-30 in Boca Raton, Florida, USA at the Boca Raton Resort & Club, a Waldorf Astoria Resort

Interested in having your event featured here? Contact me for info on how to get your event in front of over 40,000 global digital health professionals representing every industry, sector, and stakeholder group.

Complete list of global events relevant to or focused on digital health

To see all of the relevant digital health news I came across during the past week, you can see my tweets here: @Paul_Sonnier

I provide strategic consulting, digital health strategy workshops, keynote speaking, entity and event promotions. Contact me here for more information.


My keynote address will establish the main theme for your conference or corporate event, inspire and educate attendees, and provide all stakeholders with critical and actionable insights into the digital health revolution. Please contact me for additional information on my speaking fee and other requirements.

Please contact me if you are in need of strategic consulting advice that will help you navigate and succeed in the dynamic and fast-paced global digital health ecosystem. I also provide promotional consideration for companies, organizations, and event organizers. And if you’re seeking a globally-recognized digital health influencer—in point of statistical fact, the #1 social influencer for both Digital Health and Wearable Tech, plus #19 in Internet of Things (#IoT)—to be your brand ambassador, evangelist, and catalyst for company growth in a direct role, I’d love to chat!

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Paul Sonnier
Digital Health Strategist—Keynote Speaker—Social Entrepreneur
Founder, Digital Health group on LinkedIn—40,000+ members
Creator, Story of Digital Health
@Paul_Sonnier—30,000+ Twitter followers






The post The Digital Health Update by Paul Sonnier—June 30, 2016—#228 appeared first on Paul Sonnier - Story of Digital Health.

from Paul Sonnier – Story of Digital Health

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